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I have always struggled with finding the time to blog. It always depends on my mood, because its not that I dont have something to say!! 🙂 I love stating my opinions – both good and bad – about the world and especially the food society we live in. But sometimes I want to crawl under a rock and just pretend I dont know anything about health and nutrition. It’s exhausting when you think about everything you eat, everyday, every meal! That’s why I dont think about it anymore 🙂 Actually, I realized recently that I stopped thinking about it at some point, and just instinctively eat what makes me feel good. 

What makes me feel good is currently celery with natural peanut butter or almond butter in the mornings, hot tea midmorning, a superfood smoothie for lunch, and salad with nut cheese or tuna for dinner. I snack periodically on my company’s raw vegan sweets. I make occasional trips to Whole Foods or Caribou Coffee for a soy or almond milk mocha. I rarely eat fruit anymore since I struggle with yeast overgrowth issues. I eat veggies and superfoods in abundance and notice a difference on days when I dont. 

I realized recently, without really thinking about it, that Im eating animal products sometimes…homemade cream cheese as a present from a friend, cream in coffee that was made for me, etc… and I still feel good. I definitely stand by my assertion that little to no dairy is best for most people (including me), especially pasteurized dairy products (which is all you can find in the supermarkets). Raw dairy can be beneficial -physically? mentally? emotionally? – for some people. In order to get raw dairy products, it would mean finding a farmer in your area that sells their fresh milk or makes raw cheese/yogurt themselves. It may take a little digging, but since this issue is gaining so much attention lately, I am sure it would be possible to find in most places around the country. 

Anyway, my diet is ever evolving and ever simplifying. I love knowing that I dont care about it as much as I used to. Its liberating to just eat and feel good because it has become habit to take care of myself. Its like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can just enjoy life for other reasons. Now to work more intently on exercise…