For years, I believed that if I was eating a high raw diet of organic fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, seaweeds and superfoods that I was eating all that I needed to maintain perfect health and that I would never get sick or have any medical issues. Eating these foods in their natural state is one thing…but eating nuts and seeds and cacao and agave all blended up into a pan of raw cookies or fudge is another. I would never consider myself a “junk food raw vegan” – meaning consuming mad amounts of nut pates, kale chips, and other snacks which are raw vegan, but can be nearly as unhealthy as traditional snacks when eaten in excess – but i did tend to overdo it with the sweets over the past 4-5 years. Who wouldnt risk slicing their tongue off to lick warm chocolate fudge off the blender blades? i wasnt about to wash $5 worth of our product down the drain after every batch. And every batch needs tasted…quality assurance..  so now im dealing with candida (aka yeast overgrowth), and im finally ready to cut out sugar (agave, honey, fruit, dried fruit) long enough to do it!

According to, “We all have Candida living in us, it is there from birth. It doesn’t cause a problem until certain lifestyle factors encourage it to grow and over proliferate. The disease affects men, women, children and babies, although women seem to suffer more possibly due to taking oral contraceptives and HRT.

Our western diet is a contributory factor as we consume massively more sugar and yeast than our bodies require. The combination of diet, over use of prescribed and over the counter medication and lifestyle can put each and every one of us at risk. Studies say up to 80% of the developed population may have a Candida Overgrowth, and 2 out of 3 people in the UK have it. Candidiasis is a growing worldwide health problem and has already reached epidemic levels.”

Cutting out sugar and adding in fermented foods (kimchee, sauerkraut, natto, miso, tempeh, tamari, kombucha, etc) while adding in probiotics is how I am working on ridding myself of candida. I’ll keep you posted!

